Friday, August 6, 2010

Life's Storms and Weebles wobble

I received an email that got me thinking about the life storms that we each experience. I have had many in my life. I know of many others that have as well. Long ago when I was going through one of my worst experiences my grandfather talked to me about life.

He said that life was like my toy clown Weeble. "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down". Their round base and a weight in the bottom so they would always return to vertical no matter how much you rolled them around. Grandpa said you should be like a Weeble and get a round bottom. Then it does not matter what punches life throws at you you will roll with the punches and come back up.

I have developed a pretty good round bottom as my grandfather suggested. It has helped me to deal with the storms in my life. When my daughter died, it wobbled my world in a way that I felt sure that I would never recover from. However some how, my life slowly straightened up and it went on.

The email suggested,

"Each of us experiences life storms that will either break us or lead us to greater purposes. It all depends on our attitude.

If we spend too much time and energy lamenting “misfortune,” we’ll miss deep lessons and never rise to our full potential.

Embrace the “bad” experiences in your life. Learn from them.

Don’t resent those moments that may blow you off course — you may have a greater course ahead of you than you ever dreamed was possible."

I was in an accident at work in 1999 which misfortune lead to my back, knee and shoulder injuries. Later I was told that I have Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia. I learned to deal with a lot of pain daily. Then 5 months ago from an email I received, I was led to a supplement that has changed my life, by taking out the fatigue and making me feel at least 20 years younger. In the past 2 months my life has changed dramatically. I have so much energy! I don't wake up hurting so bad that I just want to curl up in a ball. Actually now I wake up most the time pain free.

I decided 4 months ago to use the Max GLX and to help spread the word by selling it. I received a phone call from my upline in which she mentioned that I have a business that in 6 steps can pay me $25,000.00 a month. I marveled at that and wondered about this life that an email that I received 5 months ago I was led to a supplement that has changed my life, by taking out the fatigue and making me feel at least 20 years younger. Now this same supplement can bring me in an income of $25000 a month!

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